Katie Britt And Ted Cruz Introduce Bill To Rehab Image Of Katie Britt And Ted Cruz

So the two have teamed up to introduce legislation that they claim would, if it passed the Senate, ensure federal protections for in-vitro fertilization, the extremely popular and highly common procedure used to help people facing fertility issues conceive. … But as the Daily Kos writer Joan McCarter and others noted throughout the day Monday, … Read more

‘Meet Baby Olivia’: spate of new bills would require showing anti-abortion video in schools

Classrooms are a burgeoning front in the post-Roe v Wade abortion wars, as conservative activists have increasingly intertwined their attacks on abortion with their distaste for sex ed that discusses alternatives to premarital abstinence. But medical professionals have accused the anti-abortion group behind “Meet Baby Olivia” of spreading propaganda and even misinformation in order to … Read more

Louisiana House Passes Bill Criminalizing Life-Saving Pregnancy Care Pills

Freehill says that while advocates of the reclassification amendments claim doctors can keep using the medications as they did before, this only works in theory. Since Dobbs, she’s had numerous problems getting misoprostol filled for patients and had multiple instances of pharmacists telling her they would not prescribe it under any circumstances. She worries this … Read more