Google promised to delete location data on abortion clinic visits. It didn’t, study says

A year and a half has passed since Google first pledged to delete all location data on users’ visits to abortion clinics with minimal progress. The move would have made it harder for law enforcement to use that information to investigate or prosecute people seeking abortions in states where the procedure has been banned or … Read more

Abortion rights clashes with NIMBYism in California

The message, paid for by the LA Abortion Support Collective and the National Institute for Reproductive Health, comes in response to the council’s August decision to reject a proposal for a clinic that would offer abortions beyond 24 weeks. That would inevitably draw protesters — and too much controversy for the affluent enclave. Read more … Read more

Do pregnant women have a right to urgent medical care? No, according to a US court – opinion

Do doctors have an obligation under federal law to keep their patients alive, even if their patients happen to be pregnant women? Do doctors have an obligation to prevent maiming – or irreversible organ damage, or other kinds of serious bodily harm – and if so, does that obligation extend even to women? Do women … Read more

Dark money is flowing to groups trying to limit medication abortion. Leonard Leo is again at the center.

Central to the effort to block use of the drug is conservative legal activist Leonard Leo, who has played a well-known role shaping the current judiciary via the Federalist Society and advising former President Donald Trump on Supreme Court picks. Less examined is the vast web of entities linked to Leo that work to promote … Read more