Louisiana Gov. Signs Bill to Classify Key Pregnancy Care Pills as Controlled Dangerous Substances

Hundreds of physicians in Louisiana protested the bill, citing fears that the law will interfere with patient care given how commonly misoprostol is used to save lives in pregnancy care. “Placing mifepristone and misoprostol on the controlled substances list is harmful and malicious,” State Rep. Mandie Landry said prior to the the governor’s signature. “It is purely … Read more

Louisiana descends into dystopia with historic law on abortion pills | Arwa Mahdawi (opinion)

Louisiana is not a great place to get pregnant. If you need an abortion, a near-total ban means it’s almost impossible to get one, even in cases of rape or incest – anyone who provides an abortion deemed illegal can go to jail for 15 years. And if you plan on having the baby, you … Read more

Louisiana governor signs bill that places abortion drugs into dangerous controlled substances category

Louisiana governor signs law to declare abortion drugs ‘dangerous substances’ Critics of the proposal fear it will limit options for prompt care in emergency situations, especially in rural areas where access to medical professionals with prescription authority is limited. More than 200 physicians signed a letter sent to the proposal’s author, Sen. Thomas Pressly, asking … Read more

Louisiana legislature votes to classify abortion pills as dangerous scheduled drugs

Louisiana Legislature approves bill to classify abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances More than 200 doctors in the state signed a letter to lawmakers warning that it could produce a “barrier to physicians’ ease of prescribing appropriate treatment” and cause unnecessary fear and confusion among both patients and doctors. The physicians warn that any delay to obtaining … Read more

Inside the MAGA Plan to Attack Birth Control, Surveil Women and Ban the Abortion Pill

Those plans — and many more, including proposals to attack contraception access, use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to increase “abortion surveillance” and data collection, rescind a Department of Defense policy to “prohibit abortion travel funding,” punish states that require health insurance plans to cover abortion, and retool a law that is currently … Read more

Opinion – The war on abortion pills takes a terrifying new turn | Arwa Mahdawi

In the past, trying to prove someone had taken abortion pills was tricky. It was impossible to tell whether a woman had experienced a miscarriage or had a medical abortion: the symptoms are the same and the technology didn’t exist to find evidence mifepristone and misoprostol had been ingested. Now, however, a government intent on … Read more

Justice Department asks Supreme Court to end abortion pill legal challenge that threatens widespread access

If lower court rulings were left in place, they “would impose grave harms on the government, mifepristone’s sponsors, women seeking medication abortions, and the public,” Prelogar added. Among other things, access to the pill by mail — which the FDA formally approved in 2021 — would be curtailed. Read more at NBC News