No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion

Across Idaho, doctors are leaving, looking for states where politics don’t dictate how they practice medicine. The consequences of Idaho’s anti-choice laws hit Sandpoint fast and hard, hollowing out medical care for women within months. For years, the town had a maternity ward that delivered as many as 350 babies every year – now it … Read more

Ohio Republicans Use Last-Ditch Gambit To Infuse Ballot Proposal With Anti-Abortion Language

The new summary sprinkles the anti-abortion phrase “unborn child” throughout, substituting it for “fetus.” It erases all mention of giving people the right to make decisions about their miscarriages, fertility treatments and contraception. Critics have called it “confusing” and “misleading.” Read more at Talking Points Memo

Pence’s Attempt To Moderate On Abortion Magnifies How The GOP Is Spiraling

But the others, as anti-abortion as they may be, still don’t represent the tip of the movement’s spear like Pence does. This is the man who, just a year ago, in prepared remarks, said that “our goal should be not just to make abortion illegal, but totally unthinkable for every American citizen,” that “we believe … Read more

South Carolina 6 Week Ban Upheld – News Round-Up

South Carolina’s all-male highest court upholds six-week abortion ban The court on Wednesday found that the state constitution’s protection against “unreasonable invasions of privacy” did not include a right to abortion, and that the state law was “within the zone of reasonable policy decisions rationally related to the state’s interest in protecting the unborn”. Read … Read more

Abortion Pill Manufacturer Gets Split Decision In Attempt To Bat Down West Virginia Ban

On Thursday, Judge Robert Chambers, a Bill Clinton appointee, rejected most of GenBioPro’s arguments — though he did find that the state’s ban on prescribing mifepristone via telemedicine is in direct contradiction with the FDA’s parameters, and sustained the lawsuit on that count. Read more at Talking Points Memo  

Appeals Court Mifepristone Ruling – News Round-Up

US appeals court upholds restrictions on abortion pill access A US appeals court ruled on Wednesday to limit access to the abortion pill mifepristone, returning to regulations that were in place in several years ago, but will not be taking the medication off the market. Read more at The Guardian Appeals court upholds some restrictions … Read more