The abortion myths Republicans are recycling to reframe a losing issue

Anti-abortion activists lost every abortion-related voter referendum last year, while ire over the fall of Roe has been credited with boosting Democrats in the 2022 midterms. Now, Republicans in the presidential primary are scrambling to figure out how to talk about and legislate abortion. But they’re regurgitating some common anti-abortion myths to make their case. … Read more

Ohio Court Greenlights Anti-Abortion Language In Banner Ballot Amendment

“They obfuscated the actual language of the proposed state constitutional amendment by substituting their own language and creating out of whole cloth a veil of deceit and bias in their desire to impose their views on Ohio voters about what they think is the substance of the proposed amendment,” Justice Jennifer Brunner wrote. Read more … Read more

Tuberville blockade continues – News Round-Up

Tuberville refuses to budge on military promotions despite growing GOP pressure But Tuberville is standing firm and says he will only release the holds if the Biden administration reverses its policy of paying for service members to travel across state lines to obtain abortions. Read more at The Hill Why Tuberville breakthrough isn’t breaking military … Read more

The GOP Is Coming After Your Birth Control (Even If They Won’t Admit It)

Last November, voters in Kentucky turned out in large numbers to reject the idea of adding an amendment outlawing abortion to the state constitution. But almost a year later abortion is still illegal in Kentucky — thanks in large part to Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who defended against a challenge to the state’s existing abortion … Read more