Harsh Anti-abortion Laws Are Not Empty Threats

The anti-abortion movement is—no surprise—committed to stopping this flow of patients and abortion pills across state lines. One strategy that has recently emerged is an effort to revive and reinterpret the Comstock Act, a 19th-century anti-vice law that the movement claims makes sending or receiving any abortion drug or device in the mail a federal … Read more

Fifth Circuit Panel Hostile To Abortion Mulls Another Sweeping Injunction From A Trump Judge

The case centers on the clash between state abortion bans and the longstanding Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). The federal Department of Health and Human Services sent around a memo after Dobbs reminding providers of their obligations to perform abortions as part of emergency stabilizing care, which set off the legal squirmishes. Read … Read more

‘I feel called to do this’: US providers sending abortion medication by mail

“To navigate this patchwork of laws takes some delicacy,” said Droz Tragos. “And depending on where you live, depending on your identity, depending on the community that you’re in, people have different layers of safety, concern and risk. So everyone has to navigate this knowing their own circumstances.” Still, she and Plan C organizers remain … Read more

In Michigan, #RestoreRoe abortion rights movement hits its limit in the legislature

“Keeping the Medicaid ban in place and keeping the 24-hour delay in place…disproportionately impacts people of the lowest means, people who have the least ability to return to clinic, who have the least ability to pay out of pocket for their health care,” said Dr. Halley Crissman, an OB/GYN in Ann Arbor who testified in … Read more

Why Abortion Rights Keep Winning in Red States

The conservative calls for moderation should sober pro-life activists. Now more than half a century old, their movement seems trapped by internal tensions. Its bold demand for a new society that rests on rights for all humans—born and unborn—has been its singular strength, inspiring a level of devotion matched by few other causes. Having spent … Read more

In Kentucky race shaped by abortion, Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear wins second term

Cameron, currently the state attorney general, built his political career in part on his anti-abortion bonafides. In office, Cameron has signed onto numerous briefs supporting abortion restrictions in other states. This year, he supported legal efforts to overturn the Food & Drug Administration’s approval of mifepristone, a drug commonly used in medication abortions, and joined … Read more

Inside Mike Johnson’s Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution

Johnson’s religious credentials may seem irrelevant for a movement that likes to talk about striking the commerce clause from the Constitution. But COSA does not see its cause as secular. Ferris, Meckler and other major supporters believe a Convention of States is the only way CHrito save America from their foes in the godless left … Read more