New Hampshire – Proposed 15 Day Ban – news round-up

New Hampshire’s proposed 15-day abortion ban would effectively outlaw the procedure “We have total bans, and state legislatures know how to ban abortion,” said Elizabeth Sepper, a professor at the University of Texas Law School who specializes in health law. “This is sort of silly because there just isn’t a pregnancy at 15 days. There’s … Read more

Pregnant Texas woman says she’s ‘hopeful’ after judge grants emergency request to get an abortion

Johnathan Stone, an attorney with the Texas attorney general’s office who represented the state in the hearing, argued that Cox and her husband had not sufficiently demonstrated that they would suffer “immediate and irreparable injury” without an abortion. Read more at NBC News  

Abortion clinics saw record surge in out-of-state patients post-Roe, report says

Abortion providers witnessed a record surge in out-of-state patients since Roe v Wade was overturned last year, according to newly released data from the Guttmacher Institute. The report, offering the first analysis of abortion-related travel since the supreme court decision, revealed that one in five patients crossed state lines to obtain an abortion in 2023, … Read more

The Dirty Tricks the GOP Is Using to Keep Abortion Off the Ballot in 2024

“The organized opposition is more aggressive than I’ve encountered in any of these fights in the past,” says Adam Weiland, who has worked on various ballot measures in the state for years. “It’s the first time I’ve ever encountered people who don’t even want you to get on the ballot and let the voters vote. … Read more

“I Was So Naive”: The Painful Stories Behind Abortion Restrictions

As Anya Cook sat at the hairdresser, she thought she might die. The night before, her water had broken. But being only about 16 weeks along in her pregnancy—six weeks before a fetus can potentially survive on its own outside the uterus—she’d known something was wrong; her husband, Derick Cook, had rushed her to the … Read more

Hillary Clinton jabs Trump on abortion: ‘He thinks women are going to fall for this?’

“There is no ‘vagueness’ or ‘middle ground of sorts’ about Donald Trump’s position on abortion. Take his word for it: he was ‘proud’ to overturn Roe v. Wade; he’s advocated for ‘some form of punishment’ for women who have an abortion; and has promised to ‘lead the charge’ in getting a national abortion ban passed. … Read more

Idaho asks supreme court to decide on law penalizing abortion providers

In its first legal action to protect abortion access after Roe’s demise, the justice department in August 2022 sued Idaho over its law, claiming that it violated the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or Emtala. After Roe fell, the Biden administration issued guidance clarifying that Emtala, which requires hospitals that receive federal funding … Read more

California woman cleared of murder charge for baby’s death in home birth

The case, national advocates said, highlighted growing concerns about the criminalization of women across the US, who have increasingly faced surveillance, arrest and prosecutions for abortions, as well as miscarriages, stillbirths and other actions that law enforcement have claimed “endangered” their fetuses. It was also an example of how punitive responses to drug addiction can … Read more