Trump’s ambiguous comments on contraception

Trump Claims He’ll “Never” Call for Restricting Birth Control, After Saying He’s “Looking at” Restricting Birth Control In an interview on Pittsburgh’s KDKA news station, Trump was asked, “Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?” And his answer was not a resounding “no.” Instead, he responded: “We’re looking at that, and … Read more

Louisiana Gov. Signs Bill to Classify Key Pregnancy Care Pills as Controlled Dangerous Substances

Hundreds of physicians in Louisiana protested the bill, citing fears that the law will interfere with patient care given how commonly misoprostol is used to save lives in pregnancy care. “Placing mifepristone and misoprostol on the controlled substances list is harmful and malicious,” State Rep. Mandie Landry said prior to the the governor’s signature. “It is purely … Read more

Louisiana descends into dystopia with historic law on abortion pills | Arwa Mahdawi (opinion)

Louisiana is not a great place to get pregnant. If you need an abortion, a near-total ban means it’s almost impossible to get one, even in cases of rape or incest – anyone who provides an abortion deemed illegal can go to jail for 15 years. And if you plan on having the baby, you … Read more

GOP Officials Are Outsourcing Their Lawsuits to a Far-Right Christian Group

According to public records produced at Rolling Stone’s request, Idaho has partnered with ADF on at least four separate lawsuits recently: U.S. v. State of Idaho (concerning whether the state’s abortion ban violates the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act), Poe v. Labrador (the gender-affirming care case), State of Washington et al. v. United States … Read more

New rules are in the works about abortion bans in Texas. Almost nobody’s happy.

Cox said the state of Texas didn’t help her when she needed an abortion in December 2023. “I’m afraid the rules this board is now proposing wouldn’t have helped me either,” she told the panel. Many people commented that the rules failed to reassure physicians that they can provide an abortion without having to wait … Read more

Louisiana governor signs bill that places abortion drugs into dangerous controlled substances category

Louisiana governor signs law to declare abortion drugs ‘dangerous substances’ Critics of the proposal fear it will limit options for prompt care in emergency situations, especially in rural areas where access to medical professionals with prescription authority is limited. More than 200 physicians signed a letter sent to the proposal’s author, Sen. Thomas Pressly, asking … Read more

How Conservatives Are Rebranding Pro-Life

All of these efforts — the fake ballot measures, text trickery, and the war on language — are being pushed precisely because Republicans know that Americans support abortion rights. They know they can’t win on their own arguments and merits, so they try to lie and fool voters in order to win. As we speed … Read more

Trump May Have Back-Tracked But The GOP Has Supported Restricting Contraceptives For Years

Many in the Republican Party elevated the idea of restricting access to birth control as the next front in the religious right’s war on reproductive rights after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022 — and some even before that. Read more at Talking Points Memo  

Louisiana legislature votes to classify abortion pills as dangerous scheduled drugs

Louisiana Legislature approves bill to classify abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances More than 200 doctors in the state signed a letter to lawmakers warning that it could produce a “barrier to physicians’ ease of prescribing appropriate treatment” and cause unnecessary fear and confusion among both patients and doctors. The physicians warn that any delay to obtaining … Read more