States with strictest abortion laws offer the least support for women and families

“States with the most severe abortion restrictions have the least public infrastructure to support families,” said Dr. Nigel Madden, a maternal-fetal medicine physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, who led the study published Wednesday in the American Journal of Public Health. Read more at NBC News  

‘Red Dawn conservatives’ and ‘Dobbs dads’: anti-Trump groups aim to peel off voters

Kamarck added: “What the abortion decision did was way beyond abortion. It was about fundamental freedoms. Can the government come into your bedroom or into your home or into your doctor’s office and make decisions for you? That’s scary. It’s particularly scary to a country, to an electorate, that was built on freedom, so here … Read more

Corey Lewandowski Repeats Trump’s Ugly Lie That Democratic Moms Support Killing Babies

Corey Lewandowski is back advising Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign, and he’s spreading his boss’ vicious, ugly lie that Vice President Kamala Harris and moms in blue states support killing babies. It is absolutely false that Democrats are in favor of infanticide. It’s just another vicious lie to demonize women who support reproductive autonomy by a … Read more

States with restrictive abortion laws will suffer long-term economic harm from forced childbirth

Dr. Catherine Birndorf, a reproductive psychiatrist and founder of The Motherhood Center of New York, states, “Whatever you believe about a woman’s right to have an abortion, the irrefutable medical fact is that forced pregnancy — when a woman or girl becomes pregnant without seeking or desiring it, and abortion is denied, hindered, delayed or … Read more

Trump Eats Words, Says He’ll Vote to Preserve Florida’s Six-Week Abortion Ban

After months of Donald Trump attempting to repaint himself as a moderate on abortion — despite the former president bragging that he killed Roe v. Wade — he has finally bent the knee to anti-abortion leaders. On Friday, Trump declared that he would vote against a ballot measure in Florida that would restore access to … Read more

‘Dangerous and un-American’: new recording of JD Vance’s dark vision of women and immigration

Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, said that professional women “choose a path to misery” when they prioritize careers over having children in a September 2021 podcast interview in which he also claimed men in America were “suppressed” in their masculinity. Read more at The Guardian

‘We wanna produce babies’: Trump tries to pitch himself as IVF supporter after Roe fall

In a statement, the Harris-Walz campaign called Trump’s IVF promise a “brazen lie”, and pointed out that the Republican party’s 2024 platform, which is linked on the Trump campaign website, states in its section on abortion and fertility treatment14s that the states are “free to pass laws” enforcing 14th amendment rights – a nod to … Read more

Trump’s Latest Move to Avoid Abortion Is His Strangest One Yet

With an election looming, activists and providers worry that this could soon change: Under the strange rules governing the capital, Congress can simply ignore the locals and enact municipal laws, meaning a Republican trifecta could quickly lead to a D.C. ban. That’s what some anti-abortion organizations are calling for. And while Donald Trump now says … Read more