US doctors struggle to get basic abortion training two years after fall of Roe

Project 2025 also recommends penalizing institutions that don’t make it easier for medical professionals to opt out of abortion training on conscience grounds. Although the language is ambiguous, enforcing it could ultimately lead to the prohibition or even criminalization of abortion training, said Mary Ziegler, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who studies … Read more

Yes, Republicans Really Are Coming for IVF

At this year’s gathering, the party ratcheted up that existing language, changing it from a blanket statement opposing abortion at any stage, for any reason, to one that still condemns all abortion, but also opposes in vitro fertilization as it is currently practiced. The new language reads: “We oppose all actions which intentionally end an … Read more

There are no pro-abortion rights OB-GYNs in Congress. These candidates are hoping to change that.

“OB-GYNs and other care providers see firsthand what [abortion] bans and restrictions do to people’s health,” said Morrison, who has been a practicing OB-GYN for over 20 years, adding: “When I talk to my colleagues in states that have enacted these bans and restrictions, it’s really terrifying what’s happening in those areas.” Read more at … Read more

“He is just getting started”: Another Trump presidency could totally destroy reproductive freedom

Trump has boasted of his role in rolling back reproductive freedom, saying that Republican-led states imposing abortion bans in the wake of the Dobbs decision has been “a beautiful thing to watch.” He also recently suggested he would favor state limits on birth control, comments he backtracked from following widespread criticism. Read more at Salon … Read more

Democrats, worried about future of medication abortion, push to repeal Comstock Act

The blueprint, referring to Comstock’s place in federal law, calls for “announcing a campaign to enforce the criminal prohibitions in 18 U.S. Code §§ 1461 and 1462 Against Providers and Distributors of Abortion Pills That Use the Mail.” It states: “Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs, there is now no federal prohibition on the … Read more

With the Supreme Court’s help, Republicans’ plan to resurrect “zombie laws”

There are a lot of zombie laws on the books that are likely to be used by conservative judicial activists in the next few years now that they’ve secured the right-wing Supreme Court of their dreams. For instance, there are existing, unenforced laws against adultery, atheism and sodomy which could easily be reanimated under some of the right’s current … Read more

Democrats try to repeal Comstock Act

Democrats target 150-year-old ‘zombie law,’ warning the GOP could use it to ban abortion Senators are seeking to repeal the Comstock Act of 1873 as reproductive rights supporters fear a future president could use it as a back door to curtail abortion nationwide. Read more at NBC News Democrats move to repeal 1873 law they … Read more

Dems Take Advantage Of Republican Mealy Mouthing On IVF

He and Britt’s bill was ultimately blocked by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), who called the legislation out for what it is: “just another way for Republicans to pretend they are not the extremists that they keep proving they are.” A day later, Republicans filibustered the motion to proceed on Democrats’ bill to federally protect the … Read more