Constitution Party nominates anti-abortion activist Randall Terry for president

“We are running for President in the effort to make child killing by abortion the number one voter issue in America,” his campaign website says. “We will show the horror of aborted children to the American people, and call on Christians to REPENT for having voted for Joe Biden.” Read more at Politico  

The Far Right’s Campaign to Explode the Population

And to ensure that these children grow up to be adults who understand their proper place in both the family and the larger social order, we need to oust women from the workforce and reinstitute male-only spaces “where women are disadvantaged as a result,” shampoo magnate and aspiring warlord Charles Haywood says, prompting cheers from … Read more

What abortion politics has to do with new rights for pregnant workers

Women’s advocates see the politics of the lawsuit as well. “It’s no coincidence that this organized, partisan effort is occurring in states that have some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country,” Jocelyn Frye of the National Partnership for Women & Families wrote in a statement. “Any attempt to dismantle these protections will … Read more

The culture war in North Carolina is playing out in the race for governor

In the hothouse of abortion politics this year, video also surfaced of Robinson at a rally in February calling for an eventual ban on abortion. “We got to do it the same way they rolled it forward,” Robinson said. “We got to do it the same way with rolling it back. We’ve got it down … Read more

Mitch McConnell refuses to say whether he supports a US national abortion ban

The Republican, during remarks in a new interview published by NBC’s Meet the Press, stopped short of saying whether or not he supported a 15-week federal ban on abortion with exceptions, but he instead portrayed the issue as “a practical matter” that was too divisive among federal lawmakers to result in a consensus among them. … Read more

GOP Rep. Scott Perry Flip-Flops On Whether He Backs A National Abortion Ban

Perry has backed the Life at Conception Act in every Congress since 2017. This bill guarantees a constitutional “right to life” to every “human being,” and defines “human being” to include “all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into … Read more

Arizona’s abortion U-turn points to Republican break from anti-abortion movement

“The more that they lose in places like Arizona and West Virginia and Kansas, I think that there’s even more pressure for national bans,” Holland said. “This movement has this moral goal. It is neither here nor there whether it is democratically reached or democratically supported. The goal is there should be no abortion because … Read more