Texas, Which Banned Most Content Moderation, Now Pushing Law Requiring Abortion-Related Info Be Blocked From The Internet
The headline on the law is that it effectively makes anything related to “abortion-inducing drugs,” (which has become a key way in which abortions are performed these days) illegal. But, the law doesn’t just make buying or selling such drugs against the law, it requires websites that sell them <b>to be blocked</b>.
Pretty much everything about this law is blatantly, obviously unconstitutional. It has a blanket prohibition on any attempt to “provide information on how to obtain an abortion-inducing drug.” And, it goes further than that, banning basically any actions related to the web that involve information on an abortion inducing drug, including a flat ban on doing any of the following:
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Texas Republican wants ISPs to block a wide range of abortion websites
Texas already has several laws that heavily restrict access to abortion, but the new proposal is notable for its attempt to control how ISPs provide access to the Web. “Each Internet service provider that provides Internet services in this state shall make every reasonable and technologically feasible effort to block Internet access to information or material intended to assist or facilitate efforts to obtain an elective abortion or an abortion-inducing drug,” the bill says.
Read more at Ars Technica