I Am a Man With a Genetic Condition. The Abortion Fight Is About Me, Too.

In June, when the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, it was personal for me. As a man, I am not able to give birth, but as a person with a disability — I like to say a difference — and who is currently using in vitro fertilization to prevent passing my condition on to my children, my rights are under attack, too. The fight for abortion rights is my fight, too.

I was born with a medical condition called velocardiofacial syndrome. It is a partial deletion of Chromosome 22. The scientific name for VCFS is 22q11.2 deletion, and one in every 2,000 people has it. Most cases are not hereditary; however, there is a 50 percent chance that any child I have will be born with this syndrome.

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