Trump claims he’s a moderate on abortion after taking credit for stacking the courts with extreme anti-abortion judges – news round-up

Women won’t be ‘conned’ by Trump’s abortion dance, Sen. Tina Smith says

In the video announcing his position on the divisive issue, Trump did not rule out signing a national abortion ban. And he didn’t mention executive actions he could take without Congress that could curb access to abortion, even in blue states.

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Arizona’s ban spotlights the fraudulence of Trump’s “moderation” on abortion

Trump’s abortion problem isn’t limited to Arizona. When Texas forces a woman pregnant with a fatally ill fetus to carry it to term — even at the risk of suffering uterine rupture and infertility — that is a consequence of the Trump presidency. When a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio must travel across state lines to have an abortion, that is a testament to Trump’s legacy. When Alabama disrupts fertility services by declaring that embryos have the same rights as people, those frozen bunches of cells have Trump to thank.

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The Shock Arizona Ruling Shows Why Trump’s Abortion ‘Middle Ground’ Is No Compromise

When state after state restricts abortion access ― sometimes via unelected judges ― access is endangered for millions of people in neighboring states, too.

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