Florida 6 week abortion ban goes into effect May 1, status of ballot initiative protecting abortion – news round-up

‘Confusion and terror’ set in for pregnant women after ruling upholds Florida abortion ban

“These bans are particularly bad for certain people, and I think that legislators and judges know this,” said Daniels. “If you are resourced and privileged enough to buy a ticket and fly three hours to Virginia and Maryland, you’re still going to be able to access an abortion. But there are a lot of people who do not have that kind of resource and privilege. So this particularly affects Black and brown people, undocumented people, people with language barriers, people with disabilities, people who don’t have the means to get care elsewhere.”

Read more at NBC News

Florida abortion ban prompts two Southern states to prep for an influx of patients

Come May, Floridians seeking abortions after six weeks of pregnancy will most likely have to travel to North Carolina or Virginia, where clinics are adding staff or extending hours in anticipation.

Read more at NBC News

The End Times Begin At Bedminster

Almost every source I spoke to for my Florida story was absolutely positive that Republican legislators would try to stop the abortion amendment from going into effect if it passes — regardless of the fact that a whopping 60 percent of voters, a broad mandate by any measure, would have to approve it for that to happen.

Read more at Talking Points Memo